1. All Board members shall submit to the Board of Trustees’ General Counsel at their first Board meeting after appointment and annually thereafter on July 1 a written Acknowledgment Statement (attached), attesting that the member has read the Policy, fully understands and agrees to fulfill the obligations and responsibilities outlined therein, and discloses any matter or relationship that the Board member believes could constitute a conflict of interest or the appearance of a conflict of interest.
2. A Board member shall recuse himself/herself and abstain from any involvement whatsoever on any matter which comes before the Board or a committee of the Board in which a Board member knowingly has a conflict of interest and/or financial interest whether direct or indirect. A Board member shall immediately disclose to the Board’s General Counsel any actual or potential conflict of interest on a particular matter before the Board or a committee of the Board. A Board member who has disclosed an actual or potential conflict of interest shall not be counted in determining a quorum for the matter, be present when the matter is discussed or voted on, and shall not offer his/her views on the matter to any other Board or committee member. Prior to any discussion on the matter and before a vote is taken, the Board member shall excuse himself/herself from the meeting. Minutes of the meeting shall reflect that a disclosure was made, that the Board member recused himself/herself from the matter, was not present when the matter was discussed or voted on, did not vote on the matter, and was not counted in determining a quorum for the matter.
Adopted by the Anne Arundel Community College Board of Trustees this 26th day of February 2008.
Procedure Title: Board of Trustees Conflict of Interest Procedure
Policy Category: General
Policy Owner: Board Chair
Policy Administrator: Vice Chair
Contact Information: Dr. Tiffany Boykin, General Counsel, tfboykin@suzhuan-sh.com, 410-777-1220
Approval Date: February 26, 2008
Effective Date: February 26, 2008
History: N/A
Applies to: Board of Trustees
Related Policies: Conflict Of Interest Policy
Related Procedures: N/A
Forms/Guidelines: N/A
Relevant Laws: N/A